February 11, 2011

Sweet ideas for you and your someone special....

Creating Memories that will last....complete the following sentences individually in writing and then share your response with your spouse.
  1. The first time I saw you was
  2. On our first date we
  3. I was impressed with you because
  4. Our favorite dating activity during dating/courtship was
  5. A humorous experience from our fating/courtship was
  6. Our most romantic experience was
  7. Where and how did we become engaged
  8. I decided I wanted to marry you because
  9. During our engagement, the most difficult situations we overcame were
  10. My most pleasant memories of our wedding day were
  11. The best and worst features of our first apartment were
  12. At the birth of our first child I felt
  13. One of the funnest things we have done together is
  14. The most difficult experiences we have encountered & survived thus far are
  15. The things I like best about you are
  16. Something I'd like to so together with you this year is
  17. Something I'd like to do with you in the future (5-15 years) is

Have fun and enjoy! I'd love to hear some of the responses so post a comment.

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